Uploading Documents |
Before you begin this task:
Create a project in CWS.
In the <Application Connector Name> - Application Connector page, the following fields refer external pages or images.
- Property Page - HTML page which accepts configuration inputs for the application connector.
- Image - Image that is displayed in the configuration page.
- Page - (Metadata Details) - HTML Page that knows the protocol of the metadata service and exposes applications over it.
CWS provides an option to upload these documents (HTML pages or images) and then use them.
Note: Documents refer to image or .htm files.
Follow the below procedure to upload and deploy the documents.
- Switch to the Explorer view of the Workspace Documents window. For more information on changing the view, refer to Working with Workspace Documents.
- In the Explorer view, right-click the project and select Upload Document option. <Foldername>- Folder wizard appears.
- Click
beside the File field. The Choose File dialog box appears.
- Browse and upload the intended document . The details of the uploaded document are picked up and displayed in the Name, Description, and Extension fields.
- To use the uploaded document in the interface. Do the following.
- Click
beside Property Page or Image or Page field depending on your requirement.
- Associated dialog boxes appear and display the uploaded documents.
Note: HTML pages are displayed for Property and Metadata Page fields, while image files are shown for Image field. - Select the necessary page or image and click OK.
The required document is uploaded.
- Click